

In 2022, during a Hackday project, I conceptualized and brought to life “Resubuild”. This resume builder simplifies the task of crafting professional resumes by offering users a variety of predefined templates to choose from.

Technologies Used

  • Frontend: ReactJS
  • Backend: Go, Go-kit
  • Design Patterns: DDD (Domain-Driven Design)
  • CMS: Hugo
  • Infrastructure & Tools:
    • AWS EKS
    • Kong API Gateway
    • RabbitMQ
    • Gitlab (CI/CD)
    • CloudFormation
    • Helm (Microservices templates)

Features and Highlights

  • Resume Creation: Intuitive user interface to craft resumes.
  • Google Login/Signup: Seamless authentication using Google credentials.
  • Stripe Integration: Embedded payment system for premium features or templates.
  • Live Preview: Real-time display of the resume being crafted.
  • Publish Online: Users have the capability to publish their resumes online, making them accessible as web pages.


Imagen de portada del proyecto

Code & Resources

Lessons Learned

Developing Resubuild was a journey into the intricate world of microservices. The platform, built on a microservices ecosystem, taught me the nuances of orchestrating multiple services, ensuring seamless communication, and building a responsive front end to interact with these services.

If you wish to know more about Resubuild, explore its features, or collaborate on expanding its potential, feel free to contact me.